Saturday, January 24, 2009

Every Day for a Year: Can You Commit?

Leif (check him out at mentioned an idea today that I think I want to run with. The idea of a 365 day project--doing something, consistently, every day for a year, and documenting the process. I've been doing some research on the concept, to see what other people have done. The majority of the first links that pop up are 365 day photo projects, an idea I love.

Example: Project 365, Take a Photo a Day

I've been meaning to get back into more photography, and not just the drunk, at a party, let's capture the same moment as we always do, photography. Boston's a beautiful city, and I love so many of the moments and details I come across on a daily basis.

Other ideas we tossed around:
  • learning new words (10 new Italian words, for example, every day)
  • blogging every day--this I am all about. I need to get back into the practice of not just speaking my mind, but writing my mind, in a more cohesive manner
  • going somewhere new every day (this would get old, and a little more complicated to document)
  • meeting someone new every day--issue being, how to document? Get their autograph? Get their life story? Take a photo with them? Put them in your pocket? Also, the idea of how you want to remember them, their faces, their names, and if that's even the point.
  • could also do something physical daily--whether that's building up a number of repetitions, or building up to running a marathon, and incorporating daily activities to reach this goal.
I think I might give serious thought to both photographing and blogging daily. Any other ideas for a cool 365 project? Should it be a journey or a production? Want to get on board?



    I will now be stalking your blog.

    Good Great Wonderful.

    Please don't judge my blog, I just write what I want and only I find it hilarious, but maybe you'll share in my joy!

  2. Every day for any extended period of time is difficult. I know, I checked. Especially if you're talking about going and doing something physical. Photos, maybe a bit less so.

    The big challenge will be on days you have a nasty cold and don't want to get out of bed, but you know you have to or the whole mystique of the project goes to hell.

  3. I'm commiting. I don't even care what it is. But lets make it something I can participate in. Photos I can do. Anything else, I'm up for.

    Keep me posted.

  4. theres a guy in France who gave a flower away every day for a year. different flowers, different people, all different places around europe. he wrote about their reactions, showed pictures of the flowers, and sometimes with the people (and in once case, his flower in the trash).
