Tuesday, April 6, 2010

a little perspective

I ultimately want:
  • an office where I can wear every ludicrous get-up I can create out of my closet (thank you, September Issue, I still would want to work in fashion some day....)
  • the freedom to be blunt, honest and forthright as a result of my rank or level of respect
  • to call all the shots
In the end, I need:
  • a job that grows with me, challenges me, and gets me to give as much of myself as I can
  • to work from 9-5 as often as possible, but have the passion for what I do to keep me liking it even when it temporarily takes over my life
  • to work with (for, if I have to) people I respect and trust
I currently have:
  • the chance to try something new
  • an opportunity to learn some patience
  • a path to meet some amazing people
  • an entree into figuring out what it is that I'm good at AND like to do (the two shouldn't be mutually exclusive.)
  • the state of mind where I rememberthat nothing is carved in stone, for better or for worse, and that keeping an open mind is for the best.
I'll take it.