Tuesday, May 6, 2008

April showers bring...a lot of thoughts in May

Having two internships simultaneously, along with new responsibilities in two student groups (a presidency and a vice presidency) makes for a split-screen brain lately. it's hard to know which part of my life to concentrate on: work, campus life, personal wellbeing, social life, connections back home and outside of the city, the future. Sometimes an influx of things helps me pull it together and focus: currently, I'm all over the map.

Public Relations Internship:
Minus: Basement desk. No windows. Lack of connection to other staff/interns upstairs. Clients that aren't exactly sparkly. Lack of on going projects because I'm not there every day.
Plus: The nicest, most laid-back boss ever. After a month or two, more freedom to try and learn. Realizing I'm learning a little more about the industry than I thought I would. Interesting conversation with a freelance copywriter entirely by accident on the phone this morning.

Marketing internship:
Minus: No other staff my age. Lack of ongoing projects because I'm not in every day. Bizarre company set-up. Boss is getting laid off effective Friday. Very little interaction with company owners, even considering the tiny nature of the office.
Plus: Strong positive interaction with (slightly insane) boss prior to her layoff. Seen as insightful as a result of being part of the target audience of the company. Freedom in many aspects of my small projects.

End result (with one month left of each job)--still no idea what I want to pursue post-graduation. July/August yields an internship with a consulting/lobbying firm with progresive roots, near the MA State House. On the ground work, the chance to directly lobby, they want me to do PR (!) after seeing it mentioned on my resume. Working downtown, near the commons, beautiful weather. WIll have three day weekends every week. Hopefully very hands on, active, influential in small office and on political platforms.

1 comment:

  1. i am going crazy slowly; 1,2,3,4,5,6,switch
    crazy going am i slowly; 6,5,4,3,2,1,switch

    haha. i need to be less all over the map too.

    like that's going to happen for either one of us.
